
“Let your shoe make a difference”


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Support the Greater Royal Worship Center ministry     

The Circle of Life Center”

It’s simple! Just donate funds in the amount of your shoe size.

This is how it works?

  • If you wear a size 9 shoe, just donate $9.00 to the circle of life project
  • No items to sell!
  • Just give the gift of your shoe size to support

Funds will be used for the initiative listed below

The Circle of Life Center

The Circle of Life Center will provide individual space servicing the Unhoused community coinciding with a unique treatment plan coined the Full circle Approach which is designed to allow each resident to return to their lives fully prepared for success. The Full Circle Approach focuses on recovery, spiritual exploration, and re-integrating into life after treatment – RecoverExploreLive.

This is where every resident’s journey will begin, in the cornerstone of our treatment program. Residents will learn about the multifaceted approach to recovery, which includes not only physically healing from substances, but also learning about the disease of addiction and how underlying concerns may be driving their addictive behaviors. Substance use disorder is often the result of untreated trauma, pain, and a lack of healthier coping skills. It is here that we would want our residents to obtain hope and understanding the possibility for things to be different, to be able to recover. At The Circle of Life Center, we will prioritize each individual resident and offer a custom treatment plan tailored to each person’s needs. While there are similarities in how the disease of addiction presents, we understand that everyone that seeks help at the Circle of Life Center is to be treated on a unique basis. We will look to establish this by attaining a proper staff to resident ratio. This will enhance our ability to be present and fully engage learning about the disease of addiction and how underlying concerns may be driving their addictive behaviors. Substance dependence is often the result of untreated trauma, pain, and a lack of healthier coping skills. It is here that we would want our residents obtain hope and understanding the possibility for things to be different, to be able to recover. At The Circle of Life Center, we will prioritize each individual resident and offer a custom treatment plan tailored to each person’s needs. Utilizing the most trusted harm reduction model for recovery, we would focus on solution-based approaches, and guiding residents to their own personal path of healing. We believe in the 12-step model of recovery as the foundation for long-term sobriety and will set residents up with connections that will enable them to continue that healthy path following their departure from the treatment center. While we would utilize an patient centered treatment plan, we also recognize that no one recovers alone. We believe that resident’s family, loved ones as well as mental health professionals should be included in the treatment plan, to ensure the residents progress moving forward; Family and community are vital to the maintenance of long-term sobriety post treatment. Therefore, we would look to communicate with family members, as well as offering family education and an intensive family program for those who need to heal and process their loved one’s.

The second pillar of our program is based on the idea that spiritual connection is vital to long-term recovery and healing. After experiencing the failure of human willpower to stop the cycle of addiction, it will be critical for residents to seek out a connection to a higher power. At The Circle of Life Center residents will learn about the importance of connecting to something greater than themselves, which can be the concept of God, the Universe, or whatever positive thing they feel works for them. For many will involve a process of exploration, which can seem daunting at first. However, at The Circle of Life Center we want to create an environment that fosters that exploration and allows residents to discover what that could look like in their recovery. Whether it be reflecting in nature, participating in group fitness classes, or attending meetings, residents will be given ample time and space for reflection. Additionally, our staff will be trained to help empower and guide each resident on their own spiritual journey.We know that the process of exploring looks different for each person, and as with everything at The Circle of Life Center, each resident will be free to follow their own path. There is no one way of doing spiritual connection. In fact, in the 12-step model, all participants are asked is to make a connection with some sort of higher power of their own understanding. We recover, we explore, and we live as free people.

The final pillar, Live, focuses on preparing residents for success in the world outside of residential treatment at The Circle of Life Center. Being able to successfully reintegrate into one’s life, community, and work will be vital to being able to maintain long-term sobriety and recovery. `When residents are nearing the end of their treatment program, our clinical team will co-create a continuum of care roadmap that best fits their life circumstances. This will be a comprehensive discharge plan custom to each resident. Our goal is to ingrain a routine with our residents so that they can practice their recovery program while reintegrating back into their existing obligations. Our goal will be for them to live their own lives outside of our property. We will offer many different opportunities to support our residents during and after treatment, providing residents the tools they need to live a life in recovery.

Inpatient Treatment Program

Inpatient programs for people with Substance use disorder issues can be a great option for certain individuals seeking treatment. The best inpatient rehab center for substance dependence allows patients to check in and stay overnight at the facility for an extended period of time. While some people can benefit from an outpatient program combined with working a twelve-step program, others will need a more extensive option such as inpatient programs for Substance use disorder. Inpatient programs for Substance use disorder help eliminate outside distractions and allow the primary focus to be on the patient’s recovery. In order to set the patient up for the best chance of success, here at the The Circle of Life Center we will provide individualized inpatient treatment programs for people that have Substance use disorder issues. The main goal of these programs is to help the patient reclaim their life and learn how to live free of drugs and alcohol once they leave.

The Circle of Life Center will offer a safe environment that focuses on getting to the root cause of each patient’s condition. Our staff will assist to treat not only the addiction disorder but also any co-occurring mental illness. If one is left untreated it can cause an increased chance of relapse.

At The Circle of Life Center, we will pride ourselves in friendly customer service while striving to be a place of extreme peace where the total focus is on getting each resident the treatment and care they deserve.

Our Substance use disorder inpatient program will have all single-occupancy rooms and We will serve chef-inspired meals daily admissions counselors are standing by 24/7 to answer.

The prospect of checking into an inpatient program can feel scary and overwhelming to people. The thought of leaving one’s lifestyle centered on using substances can seem like an insurmountable task. They understand from firsthand experience what the patient is going through when faced with being separated from substances and how scary it can feel to enter an inpatient program for people dealing with addictive habits. This creates a safe space for the resident because they will feel seen and understood. There are some things that, no matter how hard you try to imagine, just can’t fully be understood unless you have been there yourself. We feel this is especially true for addiction recovery.

Our inpatient rehab will teach the residents how to replace addictive habits with healthier behavior. Essentially, we are looking to teach the resident how to live a healthy life. We aim to help each patient identify their Substance use patterns and triggers. Instead of returning to using substances we will equip the patient with alternative solutions. Once the resident is trained to recognize uncomfortable thoughts that may trigger them to want to use drugs or drink alcohol, they can retrain their brain to choose something healthier when those thoughts or situations arise.

We also believe by educating our residents about addiction we will help them gain a broader perspective on how addiction works, why it works, how it impacts the brain and most importantly how to overcome it Knowledge is power and oftentimes the more we know about something the more equipped we are to handle it. These educational opportunities are included in our Substance dependence inpatient program.

At The Circle of Life Center, we want to fully understand each individual. When we know a person’s life experiences, belief system, morals and values, and current life situation, it can allow us to tailor a custom treatment program to fit their unique needs. No two individuals are created the same or share the same circumstances and we value each person’s individuality. Every treatment plan will look a little different for that reason.

Our residential treatment options will include:

  • Individual counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • 12-Step integration
  • Family and spouse day
  • Substance education
  • Relapse prevention plans
  • Life after treatment collaboration

Group therapy will be a big part of our inpatient programs for addictive habits Knowing you aren’t alone in your struggle with Substances has proven to be a huge relief to many of our patients. Addiction can be very isolating and group therapy introduces positive socialization back into the addict’s life. Strong bonds are formed when similar struggles are shared. Combine that with the common goal of recovery and you gain a built-in support system. Having a community of people to do life with will set our residents up for a higher rate of success.

Oftentimes we are encouraged and inspired by our peers. Group therapy promotes opportunities for this. People with addictions are a commonality of bottling up their problems and feelings and it is our goal to normalize dealing with our struggles head on.

Group therapy will help our residents to get comfortable talking about their experiences and emotions. Human beings are relational beings and group time allows for friendships and bonds to form that will last long beyond treatment. Group time closely resembles AA and NA meetings, which will need to be attended regularly after treatment. Getting acquainted with the format ahead of time can help the patient be comfortable in this setting.

Part of being human is having an array of emotions and we teach our patients that this does not make them weak, but normal. The more we can normalize this, the more equipped they will be to work through feelings and not numb them with Substance use.

Many people have suffered severe trauma, which in turn can create a favorable environment for addiction when left untreated. Through the course of our inpatient program, we help identify sources of trauma and provide opportunities to face them. This will be done with licensed professionals trained in this field.

Another critical component of our inpatient program will be our family days. Family days will include the immediate family members of our residents and we will extend our healing opportunities to them. Addiction usually affects entire families and at The Circle of Life Center, we understand how important it is to heal the whole family unit.

Oftentimes people have not dealt with hurts or trauma that may have been caused by their own family members. Patients will be given an opportunity to do so in a safe, healthy, and productive way. Our staff members facilitate opportunities for families to come together and heal as one unit. Much like in an intervention, family members will also be given an opportunity to express the effects their loved one’s addiction has had on them. This will be a time where family members can see all the progress their loved one has made. In hopes of bringing renewed hope to them about their loved one’s future. During these times, true healing can begin.

The twelve-step program outlined by NA and AA is to be incorporated into everything that we do at The Circle of Life Center. Attending NA and AA meetings regularly and continuing to work on the twelve steps will be a big part of the patient’s life once they leave treatment. It is for this reason we must aim to familiarize our residents with this program as much as possible beforehand.

At The Circle of Life Center, we believe it is extremely important that our residents learn how to face their problems and not to avoid them. Abusing substances is the opposite of the mission we wish to achieve here however we do have a understanding that many people do not know how to deal with life’s daily problems. Instead of dealing with them they avoided them by using substances When a person learns how to face their problems, they are less likely to relapse at the first sign of trouble.

Much of what we are looking to address during inpatient treatment is intended to reduce relapse rates and increase success rates. Long-term sobriety is the goal and every component of treatment will be geared towards that.

It is our sincere hope that our residents leave our  inpatient program renewed, restored and full of hope. It is our goal for patients to leave better than they came in and be ready to face the world with a new belief system in place and the tools to be successful. A little bit of willingness coupled with the right tools goes a long way.


“ Focusing on the whole man mind, body and soul”